January 22, 2019

High Heavy Machinery

Crate This has been crating and packing heavy machinery for the New England area for over a decade. This commodity tends to be very expensive, very […]
January 10, 2019
computer servers

How to Avoid Mistakes When Shipping Your Server

Shippers who are responsible for shipping servers have a lot on their mind. Speed, safety, cost, and much more all play a role in the shipping […]
January 7, 2019

Project Cargo

Last month we were approached by one of our clients to engineer and manufacture a solid wooden structure, vapor barriered with rust inhibitor films.  The project […]
October 15, 2018

Why Hire a Boston Crating and Packing Company?

Over the years Crate This has gathered data from several different customers in regards to the need for a solid wooden crate and or deck. As […]
(781) 552 - 4551

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